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Pro Track Registration

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All dancers wanting to join Pro Track must be registered by April 6, 2024. 

Understand the Commitments

Read through and discuss the items listed below with your Pro Track dancer before registering. Confirming your understanding and commitment to the items below will be part of your registration.

Placement in Pro Track Learning Groups:

We take the proper placement of each Pro Track dancer at SMASH very seriously. Each year presents new factors for us to consider as we look at the studio as a whole all the way down to each individual dancer. With the confirmation of acceptance into the Pro Track Program, each student will receive their placement in a specific Pro Track Learning Group.


We are committed to maintaining effective Learning Groups that provide the most beneficial dance training environment for each dancer throughout the entire year. Scenarios may arise at any point throughout the year, up to the discretion of the SMASH teaching faculty, that will warrant a discussion about changing a student’s Learning Group.


We always support personal drive and goal setting. If a student is eager to be in a different Pro Track Learning Group, we would love to meet and discuss the necessary path to facilitate that.


Placement Class:

This year, returning dancers from Topaz, Quartz, Pearl, and Opal, as well as any new students,  who are interested in joining Pro Track are required to attend a placement class. This will provide an important opportunity for several of the SMASH faculty to engage with dancers they may not have previously taught, offering a broader perspective on each dancer's abilities, readiness, and proper placement within the Pro Track Learning Groups.


It’s important to remember that with the elimination of Pre Pro Track, participating in Pro Track has specific baseline requirements to ensure dancers can fully benefit from the program’s intensity and structure. If, after the placement class, it turns out that a dancer hasn’t quite met these requirements yet, it’s not the end of the journey–it’s a step towards further growth! In such cases, we’ll recommend participating in the Pro Track Training Plan via SMASH Open Classes to continue working towards meeting the Pro Track standards. Continued persistence, goal setting and dedication to a passion for dance will speak volumes towards a dancers future path as a Pro Track dancer!

The placement class will be held on Saturday April 13, 2024, between 11:00am-3:00pm (exact times TBD). If your dancer is absolutely unable to attend, they will need to send in a complete video audition of the content by Monday April 15, 2024.

Requesting a Mentor

Within the registration, Pro Track students have the option to request a specific mentor for the year from our amazing group of Pro Track mentors: Mrs Ashley, Mrs Hattie, Mrs Jenna, Mrs Rachel, Mrs Shanae and Mrs Sydnee. Mentors will be assigned upon request based on age, allowing our oldest dancers access to a mentor who can best help them on their trajectory beyond SMASH. If your requested mentor has filled all of her mentorship slots, you will be assigned another available mentor. 


Here are some helpful questions to consider:

  • Who do you feel comfortable talking to and confiding in?

  • Who has background, experience, or connections that you feel would be especially helpful to your goals?


Indicate Your Interest in the Pro Track Showcase​

Pro Track Registration is also the time to indicate your desire to participate in the Pro Track Showcase.


Understand the Commitment

Please read through these important details about commitment to the Pro Track Showcase.


Save ALL the dates!​

Dancers wishing to participate must be available for all of the following commitments:

  • April 12 & 13, 2024 – Showcase Auditions *Option for video audition if absolutely unavailable

  • June 24-28, 2024 – Full participation in SMASH Summer Intensive. All Showcase choreography will be taught during this week.

  • September 27, 2024 - In-studio Dress Rehearsal, 2:00-4:00pm

  • September 28, 2024 - Rehearsals and Performances, all day

  • TBA January - March 2025

    • Adjudication Workshops

    • National Convention performances

©2024 by Smash Dance Academy.

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